The development and launch of a new website is an exciting time for a business or organization; it refreshes the brand, improves functionality, and invites a greater audience. Once the website is live, however, it must be monitored to ensure quality and performance are maintained. This is where dedicated website management comes in: appointing an internal resource or website management firm to strategize and make edits can save time and resources and increase efficiency. Some of the benefits of exceptional website management include:

Accurate Recording of Current Strategies and Goals

It is easy to put aside the goals of a website following launch. Business and lead generation return to the main focus of the workday, and marketing teams move on to the next project. When it comes to websites, goals and strategies cannot be tabled after the project is complete. Goals drive everything on your website from design and content to functionality and user experience. Strategies are the methods to achieving those goals, often through implementing landing pages, contact forms, and blog posts. Dedicated website management ensures your goals and strategies will be optimized based on analytics and industry trends.

Plugins, Hosting, and Security are Regularly Updated

Websites are highly complex with layers of coded information connected together to create a seamless storefront. Unless you have a team member with expertise in the technical details that are the foundation of your website, you could risk losing money on your investment. A development team will need to maintain your website on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to guarantee performance. They will also be in charge of backing up web files to a secure repository in the case that a major incident occurs where files must be restored. These tasks take time, and require dedicated website management.

Design and Content Edits Are Made Quickly and Efficiently

One of the greatest benefits of a website is the ease with which it can be updated in regard to design and content. Small changes, however, can sometimes cause big problems when they are made by someone without website management experience. Shifting a menu, adjusting page layout, and altering the size of a banner can all drastically change your website, leading to additional editing time. A skilled development team can easily make these changes and ensure no resources are wasted, especially if they originally coded the website.

Time is Spent on Business, Not Web Maintenance

When a website is commissioned, it is usually because the business or organization does not have an employee with the training or time to devote to such a large project. After a website is launched, the same state of mind should still apply. Enlist a website management team whose primary responsibility is keeping your website optimized for high performance. Your employees will be able to focus on their work, rather than worrying about the release of the latest version of WordPress.


Dedicated website management is not always easy, because it often starts with a website design or refresh and carries into ongoing maintenance. Whether you need an experienced team to maintain your website, or you are looking for a full redesign, Millennium Integrated Marketing can help. Get in touch today with President and Strategist Linda Fanaras, or call 1-877-873-7445